Publishing Photos on Roaming the

A. Select the Photos

  1. select the photos you want
  2. put them in a new folder on the desktop and name it temp for simplicity
  3. rename the photos so as they have meaningful names!

B. Resizing the Photos

  1. open Photoshop CS
  2. goto File > Automate > Web Photo Gallery
  3. for the 'source images' select Use > Folders option
  4. select the folder 'temp '
  5. click 'destination' and make a new folder on the desktop with the name 'intermediate step' or somesuch
  6. settings should be like:
  7. it should wizz through a macro...
  8. now go back to the desktop and look in the folder 'intermediate step > images', there are the RESIZEd images -- ready for the web (hehehe)
  9. create a new floder on the desktop 'photo_album_1' say(the name you want for your album remembering to use only alphanumeric characters / no spaces / etc. )
  10. move the all files in 'intermediate step > images' EXCEPT the 'home.gif', 'next.gif' and 'previous.gif'
  11. delete the 'temp' and intermediate step' folders from the desktop
  12. (if you've looked at the photos in their final folder then you'll need to delete the 'thumbs' file now ;-)

C. Uploading

  1. login to the control pannel for the server ''
  2. click on 'FTP Manager'
  3. click 'unlimited FTP'
  4. find 'photo_album_1' on the desktop (double click 'desktop on the left-hand-side...)
  5. on the right-hand-side, double click to get to '/public_html/my_photos/'
  6. now CAREFULLY drag and drop 'photo_album_1' into '/public_html/my_photos/'
  7. wait for 1 min --> 1 hour :-P

D. Importing into the Gallery

  1. goto (whilst logged in)
  2. click on an album to add to e.g. '2005'
  3. under <<album actions>> combo menu -- select 'add items'
  4. click on the 'From Local Server' tab
  5. click on the '/home/roamingt/public_html/my_photos/' link and hit 'Find Files' at the bottom of the page
  6. from the folders you see there select the one you want to add on the left-hand-side
  7. click the 'add files' button at the bottom
  8. you're done! (& don't worry if it says it has added 0 files it's a bug)

E. Editing the Albums

  1. go again to '' and see if it worked OK (perhaps you willl need to clear the cache)
  2. click on the album you just added, under <<album actions>> combo menu -- select 'edit album'
  3. select the 'general' tab
  4. you are free now to give the album a new name, enter keywords, etc.
  5. click the 'save' button at the bottom of the page ;-)
  6. Tell me so as I can see the pics too!

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